Illinois’ Employee Classification Act of 2008

A client recently asked me about a new State of Illinois law the Employee Classification Act (if the link is expired, then check Google), public act 095-0026, which became effective January 1, 2008. I thought that a brief post might be useful considering that there might be some confusion regarding this Act. Additionally, I've noticed [...]

Presentation Handout: Legal & Cultural Considerations for International Trade

Below is the handout I prepared for my November 15, 2007, presentation at the World Trade Center Illinois’ “Breaking Down Trade Barriers” conference. You can view it in PowerPoint by clicking on the link below or just view the text version. My part of the panel discussion concerning legal, accounting and cultural considerations for international [...]

Chuck Krugel Speaking @ International Trade Conference

I've got two public presentations to tell you about. One involves me and the other involves my colleague Tony Ramos founder and president of The Integra Security Alliance, which I'm a part of. On Thursday, November 15, 2007, as part of the "Breaking Down Trade Barriers" day long conference, sponsored by the World Trade Center [...]

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