New Client Testimonial – Mark Thomas, The Alley Stores

Mark Thomas, The Alley Stores  Chuck Krugel is an amazing attorney and a good friend. He has the ability to differentiate between urgent matters and everyday nonsense quickly and apply triage when needed. He has a very deep understanding of small business needs and budgets, and has always been there as a friend when a quick [...]

2 New Client Testimonials: Sandy Saldano + Kamerlink, Stark, McCormack & Powers, LLC

I've posted 2 new client testimonials to my "Client Testimonials" page. They're below. Typical disclaimer is at the end of the post. Chuck offered a great solution to our small business that did not have the budget for a full-time HR person.  His yearly plan was a perfect solution to our continual need for HR [...]

New Client Testimonial – Wilson Rental

After going to a couple of seminars that Chuck Krugel put on, and liking his presentation, I put his name on file for future reference. When the day came that I needed advice on how to handle a union situation involving my company, my customer and a labor union that my customer works with on [...]

New Client Testimonial – Centro Romero

Charles Krugel provided our organization with highly effective legal advice. Chuck understands not only how the legal systems works, but also the particulars of smaller non profits that may not deal with employment issues often. Not only did he resolve our case satisfactorily, but he was always available when we needed him on more than [...]

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