Human Resources

Contractor v. Employee: Dept. of Labor Proposed Employee Classification Rule

Contractor v. Employee: Dept. of Labor Proposed Employee Classification Rule December 19, 2022; By Charles A. Krugel Contractor v. employee violations occur in every industry. This is in part due to the regulatory processes in wage rates, labor agreements, and exemptions defining who is and who isn’t an independent contractor. To paraphrase a genial and [...]

I’m Quoted in Carriers Should Prepare for Potential Rise in Sexual Harassment Claims” in P&C Specialist

Thanks to Cheryl Winokur Munk for quoting me in her 11/15/22 article for Property & Casualty Specialist. Due to copyright restrictions, I'm only posting my contributions. The above links should take you to P&C's website oe the article itself. Carriers Should Prepare for Potential Rise in Sexual Harassment Claims With more people returning to work, [...]

HR Executive Quotes Me in “The HR troubles with Twitter’s layoffs—and how to avoid them”   The HR troubles with Twitter’s layoffs—and how to avoid them By Tom Starner November 10, 2022 When new billionaire owner Elon Musk laid off roughly half of Twitter‘s employees last week using workers’ personal email addresses, HR’s reaction and advice was strong and swift—on and off the social media network. Clumsy, unprofessional, brutal, inhumane, [...]

I’m Quoted in the Anchorage Daily News

How can caregivers who worked through the pandemic be sure they’re getting the hazard pay they are due? By Lynne Curry | Alaska Workplace Updated: 23 hours ago 11/7/22 Question: I work as a caregiver. Unlike many employees able to switch to remote working, we caregivers traveled to our clients in their homes. They needed us [...]

I’m Quoted & Cited in Diginomica’s “Culling with kindness – the right way to go about making redundancies in the tech sector”

Culling with kindness - the right way to go about making redundancies in the tech sector By Cath Everett; October 21, 2022 SUMMARY: As global recession looms, it appears the tech sector is not out of the woods yet in layoff terms. So if redundancies become necessary, how can employers ensure they avoid hitting the headlines [...]

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