People @ Work-Photo #7 - Chicago Circa 1932-36All of my people at work photos continue to be real people at work and have been of my relatives in Chicago. Although I’m open to posting other photos of real people at work, my relatives hit closest to home for me (literally and figuratively). This photo continues that theme.

This is a photo of my great grandmother, Minnie Levinson, at her and her husband Abraham Levinson’s grocery store on Damen and Pierce Avenues in the Wicker Park neighborhood, where they lived. Their store was under the L tracks (short for elevated trains) on Milwaukee Avenue, about a half block north of the actual Wicker Park.

This was their second store as their first store which had closed around 1925 was located at approximately Oakley and Potomac which is just south-west of the store in the photo (Oakley 2200 west and Potomac about 1250 north).

The other lady in the photo is the owner of a candy store which was across the street. Although I don’t know the name of the woman, the candy store was named Ike’s after the woman’s husband Ike Edelstein.

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