On April 10, 2013, I appeared on the PSLaborTalk podcast discussing the “Two-Front War: Micro-Unions & Corporate Campaigns.” PSLaborTalk is produced by PSLC, Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants, based out of Detroit. Here’s the MP3 podcast.

We discussed union corporate campaigns and micro-unions. Both topics include novel union organizing tactics that specialize in comprehensive & clandestine bargaining unit certification. This episode provides valuable insight into the less-discussed strategies employed by union organizers, as well as predictions on how these trends will develop.

I appeared with Ricardo Torres, President and CEO &  Bob Carroll, Executive Vice President, both with PSLC, moderator James Bishop, & guest, Clifford Hammond. Clifford is a former SEIU attorney who has switched sides and is currently working as a prominent management-side labor and employment attorney with Nemeth Burwell out of Detroit.